DBA Winter Carnival Teams

DBA Winter Carnival Teams

Cheltenham Representatives

Logo DBAThis page lists CBC players who have represented the DBA at Winter Carnivals.

Carnivals prior to 2011 were run by the Victorian Provincial Baseball League; after which they were aligned under Baseball Victoria’s overall governance and supervision of Victorian baseball.


12s Mitchell Langworthy

14s Flynn Healy, Ryan Langworthy, Darcy Messenger, Nic Volpe, Thomas Yuile

16s Josh Ashen, Dante Caruso, Blake Holding, Chris Neilson, Shelby Roberts, Mack Turley

18s Declan Croker, Ben Fierenzi, Seiya Hirooka, Tom Ogilvie

Seniors Chris Anderton, Russell Anderton, Jack Enciondo


12s Ryan Langworthy, Nic Volpe

14s Josh Ashen, Ben Campbell, Sean Dunne, Rhys Fairweather, Blake Holding, Josh Tribe

16s Dante Caruso, Chris Neilson, Mack Turley

18s TBA

23s Jack Daniels, Jack Ogilvie, Matt Stenhouse

Seniors Matt Blackmore


12s Ryan Langworthy, Nic Volpe

14s Josh Ashen, Dante Caruso (MVP), Rhys Fairweather, Shelby Roberts, Mack Turley, Cameron Zimmerman

16s Declan Croker, Cruise Leech (MVP), Shelby McKeown

18s Lucas Anderson, Jack Daniels, Jake Harrowell, Matt Stenhouse (MVP)

23s Jack Ogilvie

Seniors Matt Blackmore, Blake Cunningham


12s Josh Ashen (MVP), Genevieve Beacom, Ben Campbell, Sean Dunne, Rhys Fairweather, Blake Holding, Josh Tribe

14s Ben Fierenzi (MVP), Ben Krieser, Dante Caruso, Declan Croker, Fraser Parsons, Mack Turley, Oliver Bowley, Thomas Ogilvie, Will Tucker

16s Jake Pocock, Angus Octigan

18s Lucas Anderson, Jack Daniels, Naoki Liu, Matthew Stenhouse


12s Josh Ashen, Dante Caruso, Rhys Fairweather, Blake Holding

14s Declan Croker, Cruiz Leech, Thomas Ogilvie, Fraser Parsons, Will Tucker

16s Lucas Anderson, Jak Cummings, Jack Daniels (DBA MVP), Ashley Flynn, Jake Pocock , Matt Stenhouse

18s Jack Enciondo


12s Josh Ashen, Dante Caruso, Declan Croker, Yuki Fukusaku, Thomas Ogilvie, Mitchell Shane

14s Jake Pocock

16s Max Barrett, Mitchell Holding, Declan Chittenden, Koji Campitelli, Sam Trend-Beacom, Lucas Anderson, Matthew Stenhouse, Jack Enciondo (MVP), Josh Lean

18s Andrew Curry, Brandon Stenhouse, Jordan Osbourne, Nick Coy


12s Samuel Doree, Angus Octigan, Jackson Fear – Kienast, Dante Caruso, Declan Adams

14s Lucas Anderson, Max Barrett (MVP), Rhys Butler, Jak Cummings, Sam Michael, Logan Tuki-Jones

16s Jack Enciondo, Mitchell Holding, Joshua Lean, Adam Love, Zak Palmer, Brandon Stenhouse (MVP), Sam Trend-Beacom

18s Ben Leslie (MVP), Nick Coy


12s Jak Cummings, Ashley Flynn, Kai Jacob

14s Michael Natoli, Matthew McKenna, Koji Campitelli, Koki Fukusaku, Andrew Digovambattista, Mitchell Holding

16s Sam De Rose, Tim De Rose, Connor Doody, Adam Love, Zak Palmer, Brandon Stenhouse, Ryan Taylor

18s Dean Cooper, Tom Davidson, Ben Leslie


12s Josh Goshnick, Michael Leslie, Sam Michael, Matt Stenhouse, Kai Jacob, Ryan Taranto, Max Barrett, Declan Chittenden, Jak Cummings

14s Stefan Taranto, Brandon Stenhouse (MVP), Justin Aron Tim De Rose, Adam Love, Zak Palmer, Jack Warner, Hikaru Yokota

16s Yoshi Campitelli (MVP), Ben Leslie, Adam Burdett, Tom Davidson


12s  Koji Campitelli, Jack Enciondo (All Star & Grand Slam), Koki Fukusaku, Michael Leslie (MVP and All Star), Matthew McKenna, Michael Natoli, Matt Stenhouse, Ryan Taranto

14s Justin Aron, Will Mason, Zak Palmer, Brandon Stenhouse

16s Jon Bannister, Adam Burdett, Yoshi Campitelli, Dean Cooper, Brett Curnow, Nick Fitzgerald, Ben Leslie, Matt Wilson


12s Brandon Stenhouse, Justin Aron (All Star), Lachlan Whiteside, Georgia Smith, Koji Campitelli (All Star), Jack Enciondo (All Star), Stefan Taranto (All Star)

14s Yoshi Campitelli (All Star), Brett Curnow (All Star), Adam Burdett, Ben Leslie

16s Matthew Carlile (All Star), Dean Cooper, Daniel Lapa, Adam Katz, Nick Fitzgerald

18s Tony Cevec


12s Brandon Stenhouse, Lachlan Whiteside, Justin Aron, Daniel Beattie

14s Ben Leslie, Nick Fitzgerald, Dean Cooper

16s Nathan Aron, Adam Katz, Tom Fitzgerald, Sam Street, Ben Cooen, Geoff Holland, Matthew Carlile, Michael Olsen, Caleb Long

18s Blake Cunningham, Justin D’Rozario, Russell Ferguson, Karl Mackay, Tim O’Neill, Nick Rossell, Kable Hogben, Sean Gabb


12s  Adam Burdett (All Star), Ben Leslie, Brett Curnow (MVP and All Star), Tyler Corcoran, Jake Wannacott

14s Matt Carlile, Daniel Farmer, Adam Katz, Sam Street (MVP and All Star), Jock Allen

16s Nick Rossell, Will Osborne, Geoff Holland, Nathan Aron, Trent Davidson, Ben Cooen

18s Andrew Adams, Blake Cunningham, Justin D’Rozario, Russell Ferguson, Karl Mackay, Tim O’Neill (All Star), Dale Ravesi, Mitch Jackson, Sean Gabb


12s Daniel Lapa, Jak Jowett, Nick Fitzgerald, Anthony Blaskett, Tyler Dale, Jake Wannacott

14s Michael Olsen, Nathan Aron, Caleb Long, Tom Fitzgerald, Ben Cooen, Pat Liston (MVP), Geoff Holland (MVP)

16s Tim O’Neill, Blake Cunningham, Justin D’Rozario, Jason Chhit, Shane Middleton, John Blaskett, Chris Cajili, Nick Rossell, Karl Mackay (All Star)

18s Kane Davidson, Brad Heenan, Andrew Adams, Andrew Gribbin, Ben Ford, Dale Ravesi, Tom Ellis


12s Nick Fitzgerald

14s John Blaskett (MVP), Shane Middleton

16s Andrew Adams, Tom Ellis (MVP and All Star), Andrew Gribbin, Jason Chhit, Justin D’Rozario, Tim O’Neill, Russell Ferguson, Karl Mackay, Dale Ravesi, Blake Cunningham

18s Chris Hook, Patrick Di Siervi, Bryce Marshall, Pat O’Neill (All Star)


12s Nathan Aron (All Star), Tom Fitzgerald, Pat Liston

14s Jason Chhit, Justin D’Rozario, Blake Cunningham, Tim O’Neill, Karl Mackay, Michael Sexton

16s Thomas McCormick, Andrew Adams, Tom Ellis, Andrew Gribbin, Brad Heenan

18s Patrick Di Siervi, Ashley Cass, Chris Hook, Michael Krol, Richard Lander, Bryce Marshall, Pat O’Neill, David Olsen, Joe Trucchio (All Star), Dan Williams (All Star)


12s John Blaskett (All Star), Pat Liston, Shane Middleton (MVP)

14s Andrew Adams (MVP & All Star), Justin D’Rozario, Russell Ferguson, Andrew Gribbin, Lauren Olsen

16s Patrick DiSiervi, Richie Lander (MVP), Bryce Marshall, Tom McCormick, Pat O’Neill

18s Michael Krol


12s Justin D’Rozario, Kate Garvey, Tim O’Neill

14s Andrew Adams, Kane Davidson, Brad Heenan, Jesse Jackson, Lauren Olsen, Tom McCormick

16s Adam Blackley


12s Andrew Adams, Jesse Jackson, Lauren Olsen, Dale Ravesi

14s Kane Davidson, Aaron Ferruccio, Brad Heenan, Christopher Hook (All Star), Bryce Marshall, Pat O’Neill, Jesse Romari

16s Adam Blackley, Lee Hearnden, Daniel Williams (All Star)

18s Travis Blackley


12s Daniel Gribbin, Aaron Ferruccio

16s Travis Blackley, Dan Ward Bourton

18s Ben Ward Bourton


12s Darren Babar, Stuart Simpson

14s Michael Lapa

16s Steve Gourlay, Jarrod Hansford, Travis Blackley

Currently no data for 1992-1995


12s Shannon Strange, Jamie Rowe

14s Shannon Strange

16s Adam McFarlane


14s Ben Wenke, Adam Lewis

16s James Morgan

18s Leigh McHarry, Darren Smith, Mark Lewis, Glenn Allen


12s Ross Allen, Adam Lewis, Chris Smith

14s Adam Lewis, Christian Lewis, Anthony Smith, Craig Whitchell

16s Jamie Morgan

18s Glenn Allen, David Kim (All Star), Leigh McHarry (All Star), Darren Smith

Currently no data prior to 1989 available.



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